Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Beginning...

Well... let's just make this clear right now! I'm new to this whole blogging thing. I have been thinking about it for a while now, but I never knew what I should write about. I mean, who really cares what I have to say. Besides, there are so many blogs out there already about food, families, and just plain weird stuff, that I thought, "Why bother!?!?" Well, here I am... blogging! Maybe I should begin by telling a bit about myself. Happily married for nearly 3 years to my husband and the mother of a wonderful little ball of fur, named Spencer. I work for a local high school and I am the youth director for my church. Both of these arenas give me the opportunity to meet a lot of new and interesting people... the most interesting of these would be the kids!

You know... kids really do say the darndest things! I am learning that more and more everyday. It doesn't matter how old they are. There is always some new, funny thing coming out of their mouths. I am blessed to work with a great group of kids with multiple disablities at the high school. The 12 of them (at least that's how many we have right now) are always ready to regail you with a story of their latest and greatest adventures, or their saddest feelings. It's endlessly refreshing to work with people who are so genuine all of the time... you rarely realize that people can have such innocence and compassion anymore!

I have also been blessed to work with the Senior High Youth Group at my church. These kids certainly keep me on my toes! Comprised mainly of teenaged girls in their Junior year of high school, I am the confidante and big sister that many are lacking. They're tough shoes to fill, but I do it because I, absolutely, love these kids! Don't get me wrong.... I have bad days. I want to quit, no one listens to me, I hate my job, I'm tired, I'm PMS-ing... whatever! But somehow, these kids keep me coming back for more.

Who knows what direction this blog will take from here? Maybe I'll tell you (whoever you may be) the tales of my students and youth group members... or I can brighten your day with the daily mishaps and missteps of a 20-something married woman who is still figuring it out... We shall see!

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