Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fertility treatments stink...

Well, round two of fertility treatments with Clomid and Ovidrel resulted in a negative pregnancy test.  I didn't have high hoped for that cycle because of the timing with Hurricane Irene and out power being out.  The Ovidrel shot has to be refrigerated, and that wasn't happening as consistently as I hoped because we couldn't run the generator constantly.  So, hopefully this round will be better. Done the Clomid already, and I just had the Ovidrel shot.  Now it's just the waiting game... I don't know how many people are actually reading my blog, but whoever may be doing so, if you could just take a couple minutes and pray for us.  This has been emotionally draining since the beginning.  I can't believe that it was nearly a year ago that I was told I had PCOS.  In the meantime, as I sit and hope that a baby is in the works, I'm just trying to keep an upbeat attitude!  Here's hoping!